Monday, April 27, 2009

All Six!

Wow...Yesterday all six grandkids were at our house and I just couldn't resist the chance to take a picture of all of them. It was so fun to cuddle the babies and watch the older ones play together. I am truly blessed!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Crew Update!

He's home!!! He came home on Easter Sunday! What a blessing! I thought everyone might enjoy a picture of him without the tubes. He is darling and very tiny. I would love to have his bid legs. He definitely didn't get Grandma's "chubby" thighs! Lucky Boy!!!

Spring Break ? ? ?

This morning we woke up to to this lovely dose of
Spring! You've got to be kidding!!! I am so done with
winter. I guess the best thing about it is at school
it would have been an inside day! As it was I really
enjoyed my inside day with Rye, Canyon, and Crew
and later with Whitney Jo and Austin.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Getting Better Every Day!

Last night we went to see Crew. He was awake and alert.
Most of the tube have been removed, just a little oxygen
and a few monitors. The nurse told us they have to keep
a beeping radio on in their rooms when they get home
because of all the monitors that go off on such a constant
basis there! He looked so good and I even got to hold him
for a few seconds while the nurse put down a new blanket.
It was worth the wait. Maybe the look but don't hold for the
first days of their life just makes the chance to hold them
that much sweeter! As soon as I get a new picture I'll post
again...,he really is even cuter without all the tubes!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Yet Another Miracle!

After giving birth to four of my own and having five grandchildren all arrive well and healthy I think I needed to b reminded of the miracle of birth. We've just added the sixth grandchild to our family and I've come to realize more and more that they truly are little miracles!!! Crew Mark Clegg arrived April 2, 2009 weighing a whooping 6 lbs. 10 oz. He was a little too anxious to come to earth and so his lungs didn't quite agree with the arrival date. Within hours of his birth it was determined that he needed to be placed in the Utah Valley NICU to give his little lungs a chance to catch up. The Life Flight crew arrived at the Orem Community Hospital and prepared him to be transferred. The skilled nurses, doctors and technicians have truly been a blessing as we have seen this little miracle continue to progress. Today Crew was taken off the respirator and is only being assisted by oxygen. We pray that his forward progress continues.