Friday, August 15, 2008

IT'S PAID FOR!!!!!!!

Allen and I always had this dream that when we FINALLY paid the house off we would take all our kids out to a very nice place for dinner and pick up the tab, hopefully not any more than the house payment we had been paying the next month. Well, I'm happy to report after 29 years we did pay it off and on Wednesday we all went to Ruby River. It was fabulous! We had so much fun talking, laughing and celebrating! We made the kids promise that they would do the same with their kids when their homes were paid off. I remember the day, so very long ago, when we never thought we would ever do this...but it's a very fulfilling accomplishment. I don't think I will purchase another house in my lifetime to celebrate twice with my children...BUT, you just never know!


Michelle said...

What a dream that would be! Maybe in 29 more years I can do the same thing. It is a fun idea!

Holly said...

Congrats! I have my blog updated what is wrong with you? You haven't been busy or anything! Just kidding just a shout out how much I love working with you everyday. You are truly one of my best friends. Thanks for all you do.